Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Monday, January 17, 2011

been a bit slack

but my lappy has been a PITA

here are a few moments captured whilst playing with my little man

Friday, January 7, 2011

a reason to smile

one of the reasons I get up every morning. Her smile makes my heart melt, everytime.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

what was under the old carpet

attractive dont you think!!!! And underneath this............... beautiful raw floorboards.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

long day

shopping at Ikea for new bedroom furniture for the squidlets. After 3 hours in the place we came home and I scrubbed the bathroom........... I think I deserve this dont you!!



Monday, January 3, 2011

operation - updated bathroom!!

So today started the week long projects of renovating some of the rooms in our house. It was bathroom day today. A lick of bright white paint now covers the peach walls and the mist green woodwork (not sure why anyone would paint anything that colour to be honest!!)

until tomorrow



started a few days late!!

What an awesome idea, a photo each day for an entire year. I don't know if I will remember every day, but I hope I can.

So because today is the 3rd, here are 3 photos!!

Here are two of my four beautiful children, playing together beautifully

mmmmm tonights after dinner snacks!!!!!

The first photo of my little man for 2011, he was awake until 2am on new years.

okay so I am up to date, cant wait to see what catches my eye tomorrow

C - Ya!!!
